Where Evil Waits (Mann Family, #2) (2024)


2,133 reviews162 followers

June 30, 2015

Kara Chandler is at her wits' end. Someone is sending her gifts, taunting her with messages of what she's supposedly done...But when the creep kills the policeman she's turned to for help and threatens her son, Kara knows she needs to take drastic measures. Enter Luke Varon, a hitman for a drug cartel, Kara had unsuccessfully prosecuted for murder. He has the resources to make her and her son disappear...But he's not who he appears to be.

This wasn't as strong as its predecessor which was a bit disappointing, since I've loved Luke, Nick's (hero from the previous book) brother, from the moment he appeared on the scene. Pity, he wasn't as "alive" and "real" in his own book. I just didn't connect with him—no matter what persona he chose to portray. He didn't seem believable as a hitman (maybe because I knew he wasn't really one), and he seemed even less so as the good guy. I guess he was somewhere in between, in that gray area that could've worked wonderfully, but was somewhat unexplored. He wasn't ambiguous, rather he was just bland.

The heroine unfortunately didn't work any better for me. She was rather trusting, and ready to hire a criminal and murdered and then more than willing to follow his every lead, for a prosecutor, no matter how dire her circ*mstances were. And then, despite what she knew about the guy, she ended up hoping he was actually a good guy. Her hunch proved right, but still. The whole thing needed quite a lot of belief to be suspended.
And in the end, Luke didn't even have to explain much about anything. She just believed him. What if he was lying? What if he was leading her on a merry chase?

I guess what was really "off-putting" with this story was that it was the complete opposite of the first book in the series. While everything the characters in the first book did, whatever they said, however they acted and reasoned, it was believable, realistic. It was something anyone of us could or would do in such circ*mstances. (Almost) everything the characters did in this one, whatever they said, however they acted and reasoned, was anything but believable and realistic.

Even the villain was a bit over the top. Okay, I got the need for revenge, but the entire plot of how he got to there, the guest list, the reenactment...If was a tad too far-fetched for me. I love a decently twisted villain, but this one had a twist or two too many for my taste. And I never glimpsed any explanation of his skills (or maybe I just wasn't paying attention).

The only saving grace was the secondary aspects, I guess. The investigation into Kara's "stalker" and the progression of the investigation. Yes, the procedural part of the story is what worked very well for me, the rest not so much.

    bodyguard-military-merc-gov-cop-spy contemporary-romance kate-brady


3,434 reviews573 followers

May 5, 2014

Rating 3.25 stars
Now, I had a lot of expectations from this book because we met the hero in the last book, an undercover agent, he's undercover in this one too masquerading as the bad guy. The heroine is a judge who thinks the hero is the bad guy. Now, this is where I had problems with the book, I mean the heroine is shown as strong, successful, rich and has a son but she remained married to a man who was constantly unfaithful to her, I kept wondering why? Why not get a divorce and set a good example for your kid? I never could get past this and there wasn't much light shed on her marriage in the book. Someone is stalking her so she decides to approach the 'criminal' hero to help fake her death and they hide out. The villain in the book was too over the top for me and this book didn't engage me as the other books by this author have in the past.

    cops-law-enforcement-security read-in-2014 romantic-suspense


2,303 reviews167 followers

February 26, 2014

Chilling. I loved the main characters of this book and their story but what kept me not wanting to put this down was the killer. He was down right creepy along with sick and perverted and just mezmorized you when he was on the pages. I liked every aspect of the book and am sad I'm finished. Lovers of romantic suspense this is the book for you.


1,895 reviews459 followers

December 17, 2014

Another fantastic book in the series!

I hope this is not the last one, because the writing is fantastic and the stories too!

The story is complicated and fast paced almost as the first book in the series, but here we don't have a clear time limit that was stressed in the first book.

Here the pace is give by the speed with which the bodies are piling! WOW!

The hero, Luke, is Nick's brother that briefly appeared in the previous book, but he's so deep undercover that for almost 3/4 of the book the heroine, Kara, thinks he's a mafia boss trying to take a drug ring from the actual boss!

Luke is great in his cover persona. You, vene knowing the truth, almost believe his scam! LOL

Kara is a great heroine too: never a stupid moment. She thinks and reasons in a logical way, even when everything is against her. She's ready to do all that needs to be done to make her and her son's survival possible!

A wonderfully intricate mistery for all who enjoy the genre! :)



1,113 reviews5 followers

March 22, 2014

This is a book I won as a first reads. Thank you!!!

I was drawn in right away with Kara and her son Aidian. Luke is a supposed villain who Kara hires to fake her death and ends up helping her. They believe that the cartel killed her husband but are finding they are very wrong. Kara has a killer after her and many others. Quite a gripping tale that kept my interest all the way through. Grabs you right from the beginning and grips you til the end. I loved this mystery.



967 reviews78 followers

September 8, 2014

5 Star Romantic Suspense.
Kate Brady writes some of the best Heroes.

    2014 2020

Fran (with the book addiction)

483 reviews19 followers

July 15, 2021

3.9 stars.
This was my least favourite Kate Brady so far but she still writes incredibly well. You know you’re safe in her hands. I have nothing negative to say it just didn’t blow my socks off like the other two I’ve read.


41 reviews1 follower

March 6, 2024

Awesome book! Right up there with David Baldacci and Michael Connelly.
Just when I thought It is a short story it continues and did it ever. Just when I thought they must have figured it out a new twist comes along. Worth reading!

Lindsey Ruppe

645 reviews7 followers

February 12, 2023

I love this author but for some reason I just couldn’t get into this one. The plot seemed intriguing enough. A revenge scenario but just didn’t catch me


744 reviews56 followers

June 6, 2016

**This review was written as a duo book review for both Mann Family books currently available.

Read the full review at Ani's Book Abyss | Series Review: Mann Family.

Book #1: Where Angels Rest | Rating: 3.5 Stars
Book #2: Where Evil Waits | Rating: 4.0 Stars

Series Average Rating: 3.75 Stars

At the end of the paperback for Where Evil Waits, there is an excerpt for a book called Where Danger Hides--the book is supposedly about Alayna Mann who makes an appearance in Where Angels Rest as an attorney, one of the Mann siblings we are introduced to in this series. But try as I might, I can't seem to be able to find this particular book, which tells me that either it is still a work in progress, it never got finished, or it never got published, for whatever reason.

I'm only a slight bit disappointed, but since Where Evil Waits and Where Angels Rest were published two years apart, and because Where Evil Waits was published in 2014, I suppose there's still a chance that this third book will make its appearance soon.


Now that my tangent is finished, I at least have something to post for this review. Because, to be totally honest, I haven't been sure what to say about this Mann Family series--well, mainly the first book, because the second book was a bit more exciting and I DO have a little bit to say (see below) It's a good, well-written romantic suspense duo, that's for certain, and I DID enjoy both books. Much like the other two Kate Brady books I've read, they were immensely enjoyable and had enough excitement and suspense to keep me hooked.

Overall thoughts...
One of the things that I like about a Kate Brady book (all four that I have read so far) is how quickly we fall into the suspense of the crime thriller. Even if the murderer is already know, even if there is no mystery to speak of, the books are packed full of nervous tension of the suspense and you find yourself sucked into the book.

It's that easy to get hooked.

As books in the romantic suspense genre, these two are highly enjoyable and a good representations. For a rainy day or not, they certain DO make for a great reading spell.


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1,346 reviews82 followers

February 25, 2014

I won a copy from Goodreads Firstreads.

Those two lovebirds, Kara Chandler and Luke Varon, are really adorable. Both of them. Cute, especially with Kara's fiery manner and Luke's sort of smug (there's no better words to describe it; how about this one: knowing things other people don't) attitude. It's like staring at two puppies for Christmas. Very cute, very aww!

The creeper. Sasha is the creeper/serial killer/villain of the book. A disgustingly good and skilled serial killer, Sasha is a hard one to catch. Apparently, he did some jail time early in his life, then went back to stalking Kara. Oh please. This detail isn't a spoiler. (Well, sort of spoiler? It was mentioned in the first chapter of the book). Ah...oh, well. The secret ("secret") is out, I guess. Anyway, I just want to say that this guy is really sick. I mean, sociopath sick. Very smart, but mentally ill. Sometimes, I want to shoot him in the face or kick him in the place that will make him squeal like a little girl. The author did a very good job of creating hatred toward this villainous character. She made me hate him with a passion.

Where Evil Waits is mostly a book about "How?" and "Why?" It's not a classic "Whodunit?" book. It's a more of a "How did Sasha kill people?" among other questions. The "Why?" is "Why the killer does this?" The plot slowly takes you down the road, answering questions you didn't even know you had. Using a series of flashbacks, the plot jumps back and forth, from the present to the past. Too bad there isn't a psychic reading along the lines. (Psychic reading isn't needed; it would be interesting if it was there though). No flashforwards, if you must take a note.

Kara Chandler cares for her son, is somewhat suspicious of Luke, and came from a rich family. The third part is sort of truth. She was adopted by a rich family. What's even more sad is that it looks like she didn't seem to have a great relationship with them. (Lots of spoilers in this section). Anyway, she's a widow. She's determined. She's smart. She's angry at pretty much the entire world. And she's scared. (Actually, screw angry. She's scared for her son's life. As for her life, she doesn't really care. Like a true mother...)

Luke Varon is the "bad boy" (notice the quotes) of this book. He's no evil guy. He's actually (and strangely, at first) the good guy. He did a favor for Kara and had the hots for her. I thought that feeling was one way until I read Kara's POV. Luke is smart and truly sweet in the inside. He's the one who is pretty much changing in character. Hah! He's changing alter egos. After all, he does work with the... (gasp!)

What's great about Where Evil Waits is that it's a standalone book. There's no need to read the previous book (about Town Sheriff Mann). It's so easy to abscond yourself into the book. Disappear and settle into the book. It does have a nice ring to it, right?

Rating: Four out of Five



Margreet Asselbergs

568 reviews44 followers

February 20, 2014


My rating: 4 of 5 ⭐️

It has been a year since ADA Kara Chandler's husband was killed in a hit and run and since then evidence has been growing that someone is after her and those she cares about. Her attempt to go to the police with her findings met with a devastating outcome and she fears there is only one avnue left open to her to save herself and her son.

In a last ditch effort to find help, she approaches the man she prosecuted a year ago on murder charges. Luke Varon, hit man for a dangerous drug and weapons smuggling cartel, but also a man with far reaching resources that could help her and her son 'disappear'.

Appearances deceive and Luke knows everything about that, in fact, he counts on it. He has lived a lie for years looking for justice. When he is approached by Kara he struggles to stay in character, but given her desparation, he can't turn her away.

Trust doesn't come easy between the ADA and the hit man, but when danger closes in and they are forced to disclose more of their secrets, an unlikely bond is formed.


A great read!!

I have to admit, the first few pages I was a little rattled. The information seemed to be a bit disjointed and came fast and furious with little context to place it against. HOWEVER!!! Before long the framework of the story became clearer and the book fell into a steady flow.

The book is a good one, a solid suspense novel with ample action and a secondary romance story that produces a touch of heat. The characters have an interesting chemistry that starts off as an involuntary antagonistic attraction.

Kara is portrayed as quite the strong woman, stronger yet in the determination to keep her child safe. She is not helpless, but intelligent enough to know when she is out of her depth. In the turmoil and chaos of a life ripped apart, she re-discovers a side of herself that had long gone dormant.

Luke has been a chameleon for so long, adapting to what his surroundings required, he has not had much reason or opportunity to consider his future. In a very short time, his focus shifted from what his objective had been over the last years, to Kara and her well-being. And with that the possibility of a future suddenly opened up.

A very creepy psycho rounds out the main characters you will encounter in the book and I am not going into detail about him, except to say he is one sick puppy!!!

For lovers of the the romantic suspense genre....a little heavier on the suspense, this is for you!

✨An intense, graphic and chilling tale of truth.✨

**ARC provided by NetGalley and Forever in return for an honest review.**



3,534 reviews

March 3, 2014

Where Evil Waits, Kate Brady's second installment in the Mann Family series, is a suspense-laden and perplexing mystery. While there is a romantic element to the storyline, the mystery aspect is the main focus of the novel.

In the year since her husband Andrew died after being struck by a drunk driver, Kara Chandler has reason to believe his death was no accident. After receiving the latest in a series of mysterious cards and gifts, Kara begins investigating his death but when it ends in tragedy, she reaches out cartel hit man Luke Varón. Luke reluctantly helps Kara and her son Adrian fake their deaths and assume new identities so they can uncover the truth about Andrew's death.

Kara and Luke are an unlikely crime fighting duo but unable to pursue her suspicions through legal channels, Kara has little choice but to put her trust in Luke. Kara is strong and independent but she also knows when she is out of her depth. When it becomes obvious that no one around her is safe, Kara does what she has to do to uncover the truth even if it means trusting a criminal. She is surprised by her attraction to him and even more confusing are some of the contradictions she begins to see in Luke's behavior.

There is much more to Luke than meets the eye and the truth about his character is revealed in bits and pieces throughout the story. He has a surprising connection to Andrew but it takes a while for the various pieces of that part of the puzzle to come together. Overall, Luke is an intriguing man whose life is ripe for change but it takes him a while to shift his focus from his career to his personal life.

The identity of Kara's stalker is disclosed to readers very early in the story. What remains to be uncovered is the motive for the sinister actions of the intelligent yet deranged stalker. The reason behind the diabolical plan is slowly revealed through flashbacks and the complete revelation of the event that sparked the thirst for revenge culminates in Where Evil Waits stunning finale.

Where Evil Waits is an action packed and suspenseful novel that mystery lovers are going to love. Although it is the second novel in Kate Brady's Mann Family series, it can be read as a standalone.


730 reviews35 followers

July 28, 2014

In Where Evil Waits (Mann Family #2) by Kate Brady, people are dying around Kara. Thinking her husband's death was an accident, everything is in question now that Kara and her son are threatened. Receiving frightening 'gifts' and no longer safe, Kara, a prosecutor, seeks help from Luke. The one man who might be able to keep her safe.

Luke is deeply involved in the criminal world, and not someone Kara would usually find herself associating with. But there is more to him than meets the eye, and Luke is going to do what he can to keep Kara and her son safe. Neither of them trust easily, but they no longer have a choice when they are trying to outrun a mad man with his own agenda.

Kara and Luke both have things they are hiding, but secrets must come out for them to stay safe. The truth is so much more and different than either of them imagines. Will they find answers, and along the way a future neither of them expected? Or will it be too late?

Kate sucked me in and kept me glued to the pages of Where Evil Waits! Kara and Luke are both strong characters. Kara is smart and loyal, and will do what it takes to keep her and her son safe. I would have liked a bit more background about Kara's adult life and marriage to help me know her better. Luke is also smart, loyal and so protective! Kate really brings him to life and made me love him from the start...no matter what brush he was painted with! I liked how Kara and Luke interacted and worked together with a subtle attraction nibbling around the edges. Their characters, their feelings are believable and very like-able.

Kate gives an intriguing addition to Where Evil Waits with flashes of the killer/stalker's POV. This adds a very edgy dimension to an already action packed, suspenseful story.

What you see isn't always what you get...sometimes you have to dig a lot deeper as Kate demonstrates well in various ways in Where Evil Waits. Where Evil Waits is fast paced and easy to become immersed in. Kate weaves the plot with lots of mystery and the unexpected to make you stay and find out what and why!

I'd recommend Where Evil Waits to readers who enjoy a suspenseful mystery with romantic undertones.


Jaime K

Author1 book44 followers

December 5, 2014

I won this in a goodreads giveaway.

Prosecutor Kara Chandler lost her husband a year ago. She began to receive anonymous "gifts" that she decided to keep on a hunch. And recently she's been getting picture texts of dead people.
She turns to friends, only to have them killed. The murderer, her anonymous sender, blames her for his actions. When he threatens her son after the death of a close family friend, Kara finds Luke Varón - a known cartel hit man who slipped from her grasp in the past.

When she puts herself and her son in Luke's hands, she's met with unexpected information (that surprised even me, to a point) and a better understanding of herself of how far she will go to keep her son and loved ones safe.

What I love about Kara is that she has morals and values. She's willing to put things at risk by going to a known murderer and wannabe drug lord, but she also has a line that she won't cross. She's a strong woman with real fears and real issues. And a real pain from her past stalking her.
She was always faithful to her husband, even knowing he wasn't to her. He was the only one she trusted to her body, even when she felt herself falling out of love. I freaking LOVE stories where people respect themselves.

The is the second novel in a series. I didn't read the first, but I read its synopsis. I'm not sure how the two are related, but in this we get a lot of history of Kara's family, Luke's activities, and Kara's deceased husband's secrets.

It was a very well written book with enough mystery that I couldn't figure it out. I don't know if I'd reread it or if I'll read anything else by Kate Brady, but it was GOOD. It's just one of those stories where once you know the ending, there's no point in going back because things are laid out as you read along.



441 reviews15 followers

March 3, 2014

Contemporary, Romantic Suspense, Atlanta Georgia

Kara Chandler is a special prosecutor that is very good at the job she does. Maybe a little too good as a mastermind that is homicidal has vowed to kill everyone she cares about and also Kara, herself. She is desperate to save herself and her son and the only way she sees to do that is by seeking out cartel hit man, Luke Varon. The last time she dealt with him was when she was prosecuting him and watched him beat the system and escape going to prison. He is also the only man that can possibly keep her alive.

Luke Varon isn’t quite what he appears to be. He has spent years in the criminal underworld and he is seeking revenge and redemption. Though when he sees the very real fear in Kara’s eyes he can’t just let it go. People around her are being murdered and he may be the only one that can uncover the killer’s motives before it is too late. As the danger closes in on them, Kara and Luke must trust each other with their darkest secrets before the evil hunting them can kill them both.

This is a great romantic suspense with some psychological elements thrown in. This one will take readers on a lot of twists and turns before the truth finally comes out in the end. The story proves to be very hard to put down as the reader will want to find out the why behind it all. The action is pretty much nonstop and the story proves to be very fast paced and intriguing. The characters and plot are very well written and believable. This is part of a series but the story can easily be read as a standalone. Though if the reader starts with this one it will have the reader wanting to read the rest of the series to see if the others are as good as this one. This story is also one that once the reader finishes they will find the story staying with them for a while to come.


71 reviews

August 7, 2015

Where do I start for how utterly uncomfortable and cliché this book is? First of all, there is no mystery involved whatsoever--the killer's identity and motivation is revealed right away and the supposed "plot twists" of the novel, I could see coming ten miles away. It's a basic damsel in distress turns to bad boy for help but it turns out bad boy actually has a heart of gold and she falls for him. God, how boring! I was about 2/3 of the way through the book when I said to myself, "I really don't like this book, but just for kicks and grins, let's look to see if what I predicted for the end of the book is really what I predict". And because this book is such a clichéd joke, I was right. I feel like I've wasted a good quantity of time on this book, when there are other books on my bookshelf I could have been reading. But I guess I was waiting for something to surprise me and make me interested in either the plot or the characters, but alas, it was not to be.

    first-to-read mysteries


1,679 reviews178 followers

November 6, 2014

Where Evil Waits (Mann Family, #2) (18)

It isn't often that a book leaves me speechless and sorely wanting more after reading the last sentence.

Lukas Mann made a brief appearance in 'Where Angels Rest' and I hadn't thought too much of him until I dived straight into this book after finishing Nick's story. And when I thought I couldn't be any more surprised or in awe of Kate Brady's writing, Luke's story blew it out of the water.

Dangerous, sleek, smooth and such a bundle of intriguing contradictions, Luke has got to be one of the most inpressively-crafted characters I've ever seen or read about in the way he slides between his undercover identity and his Fed one.

As always, Ms Brady's masterful handling of the case and the murders had me glued to my seat until the very end. I already can't wait for Alayna's (and dare I hope...Mike Hogan's) story.

    contemporary-romance favourites kickass-hero

Liz Clappin

362 reviews5 followers

January 4, 2015

Definitely an action packed book, with a nice pace and delectable detestable villain. The romance was a little unbelievable at points, I felt like I was getting whiplash a bit between the "I love him" "I hate him" moments, and I had a hard time relating to Luke as a character, there were a few scenes that definitely inspired empathy, but they were fleeting and the characterization seemed a little stunted to me. I did feel that if I had read some of Brady's previous novels I might feel differently because there were enough mentions of Luke's brother's story to suggest a continuing interrelated story line. Kara also seemed at times to be just as much of a stuck-up, self-centered bitch as the villain projected on her. While this dynamic makes for dramatic reading, I did catch myself rolling my eyes a few times. Overall a good take on the obsession and interesting dynamic in theory, just no real chemistry or relatable characters to back it up.


1,977 reviews2 followers

May 24, 2014

Someone has targeted Kara Chandler and it could be any one of many criminal types that she's put away as an assistant DA. She decides the best way to protect herself is to fake her and her son's deaths so that she can buy time to discover who wants her dead. She turns to Luke Varon, who was recently got off on a murder charge, to help her fake her death.

I really liked the character of "criminal Luke" even though he turns out to be one of the good guys. Kara is not a damsel in distress, she makes smart choices consistent with her intelligence as an attorney. The plot was a bit far-fetched but once I accepted the basic premise, I had no trouble going along for the ride. This had more of a suspense feel than a romance feel, but still Kara and Luke have plenty of dialogue and time together as they work through the clues. The action scenes were vivid and edge-of-your-seat.


Kris (My Novelesque Life)

4,668 reviews204 followers

September 15, 2014


(I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review).

Special Prosecutor Kara Chandler plays by the rules but when her life and her son's life is in jeopardy she does the unimaginable...she wants to hire Luke Varon - a hit man for the cartel and one that got away from her.

Luke decides to help the Chandler's disappear because he needs the same answers Kara is looking for but neither entirely trusts the other. As the two try to find the man behind the brutal murders of Kara's husband, friend and others Kara and Luke find that they cannot stay away from one another.

Kate Brady does not wait long before she delivers action and romance. An easy book to get caught up in and the ride is twisty and steamy. This is the second book in Brady's Mann Family series and is a good follow up to Where Angels Rest. A darker romantic suspense.


328 reviews8 followers

March 5, 2016

I'm feeling ambivalent about this book. I don't dislike it yet I don't love it as much as her first 3 books. It's just too far fetch for me I suppose. Kara seems rather weak to me and Luke despite his appearance in Where angel lies where I liked him, I find him not realistic enough in this book. And Kara despite being a DA and everything is able to tolerate her husband's infidelity? And the only description that kept appearing in Luke's mind is how pretty Kara is... So umm forgive when I'm just really into them. And the killer is just so weird. I get it that people kill for less but for some reason I don't feel totally convinced. He is just weird but definitely a monster. So 3-3.5 stars for me. I'm looking forward to the next book.

    2016-reads thrillers


48 reviews11 followers

April 3, 2014

I won this book from Goodreads as an advanced copy.

Let me preface this with, I didn't read the first book in the series... That probably would have helped.

It took a little while to catch up, so please read the first book before reading this one.

I wish the dialogue between characters was a little more interesting. The author uses third person narration to play out the story, not dialogue.

If you like crime novels mixed with love stories, read this book. If you like just either/or, I'd recommend passing on this one.


277 reviews4 followers

February 17, 2014

Romantic Suspense is one of my favorite genres and this book was an excellent read! The characters were well developed, and there was plenty of suspense that kept me tearing through the pages. The plot has plenty of layers and twists and I loved the mystery that surrounded our hero.

I really enjoyed the flashback scenes involving our bad guy. Slowly revealing the backstory kept me guessing and turning pages. Kate Brady is a new favorite of mine in the Romantic Suspense genre. I will definitely be reading her other books.


224 reviews

March 1, 2014

This book took me by surprise...now I have another great author to add to my shelves: As spine tingling as a Lisa Gardner book with military precision terminology as a Carla Neggers mystery/romantic suspense it is easy to see how Kate Brady warmed her way into my heart..I've since picked up her other 4 books and I am making my way down the list so I can stay current with her stories!! This book has: mystery, intrigue, HOT love scenes, and suspense that will keep you guessing all the way to the end!!!


Beth Owens

45 reviews3 followers

March 21, 2014

OMG. I totally for got to update my status on this book. I really like this book a lot. It hit close to home since I am from Atlanta. The characters were great and strong and I really like the chemistry between Luke and Kara. If I had one complaint it would be that the bad guy was killed way to easily for someone that had gone to that much trouble. Other than that the book was fast paced and exciting.



37 reviews

March 5, 2014

Just finished this book and I will definitely recommend it! What a thrilling story. The killer was very creepy (which always makes for a good suspense story)! The romance was wonderful. Kate Brady is a superb author and I have loved every one of her books! Can not wait until the next book comes out! I could go into more details about the book & story lines, but, simply put.....Kate Brady definitely writes a very chilling thrill ride of a book! Read it!!!!!

Wendy W

432 reviews2 followers

July 11, 2014

Prosecutor Kara Chandler has been receiving mysterious packages in the mail. Each time she makes a move to have these questionable packages investigated, a person is killed. What does she do ? She decides to fake her death. Who does she go to for help? None other than the man who she unsuccessfully prosecuted.

This may or may not be my first book by Ms. Brady. I sincerely hope it will not be my last. This was an excellent example of romantic suspense.

Charlene Torres

146 reviews35 followers

December 31, 2013

This book was a great and easy read. The author does a great job of pulling you in the first few pages of the book and that says a lot. I would read a few chapters trying to convince myself I would stop reading as soon as I was done with this "last" chapter. Clearly that did not work because I started reading this book yesterday mid day and finished it last night.

Where Evil Waits (Mann Family, #2) (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Views: 5383

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.