Treatise - False Arrest & Imprisonment Cases Markup - [DOC Document] (2024)

Treatise - False Arrest & Imprisonment Cases Markup - [DOC Document] (1)

“.. One Who Interferes with another’s LIBERTY does so at his peril.” Knight v. Baker, 117 Ore. 492, 244 Pac. 543, 544 (1926)


FORCEFULLY to deprive a man of FREEDOM to go wheresoever he may is clearly a TRESPASS. False imprison was indeed one of the first trespasses recognized by the Common Law. Street’s Foundation of Legal Liability, Vol. P. 12, citing Bacon’s Note Book, Vol. 2, P. 314 (1229), pl. 465.

False imprison is classified as a tort in Common Law, and also as a crime Kroeger v. Passmore, 36 Mont. 504, 93 Pac. 805, 807 (1908). McBeath v. Campbell, 12 S.W. 2d, 18-18, 122 (Tex. 1929)

The Infraction of personal LIBERTY has ever been regarded as one of the greatest injuries. The Injuries to LIBERTY are principally termed False Imprisonments, or Malicious Prosecutions. Joseph Chitty, Esq., The Practice of the Law, vol. 1, chap. II, p. 47, London, 1837

False imprisonment is akin to the wrongs of assault and battery, and consists in imposing, by force or threats, an unlawful restraint upon a man’s Freedom of Locomotion. Thomas Cooley, Treatise on the Law of Torts. 205 Iowa 752, vol. 1, 4th Ed. Sect. 109, p. 345, Meints v. Huntington, 276 F. 245, 248, (1921).

“.. the essential elements of the action are: (1) Detention or restraint against ONE’S WILL and; (2) The unlawfulness of such detention or restraint. Sergeant v. Watson Bros. Transp. Co., 244 Iowa 185, 52 N.W. 2d. 86, 93 (1952), Sinclair Mining Co. v. Meek, 62 Ga. App. 850, 10 S.E. 2d, 76, 79 (1940), Southern Ry. Co. in Kentucky v. Shirley, 121 Ky. 863, 90 S.W. 597, 599 (1906).

Unlawful detention or deprivation of liberty is the basis of an action for the tort of false imprisonment. Actual seizure or the laying on of hands is not necessary to constitute an unlawful detention. Hanser v. Bieber, 241 Mo. 326, 197 S.W. 68, 70 (1917).

Every confinement of a person is an imprisonment, whether it be in a common prison, or in a private house, or in the stocks, or even by forcibly detaining one in the public streets. Cited by: Fox v. McCurnin, 205 Iowa 752, 218 N.W. 499, 501 (1928); Sergeant v. Watson Bros Transp. Co., 244 Iowa 185, 52 N.W. 2d. 86, 93 (1952).

Imprisonment is any restraint of the personal liberty of another; and prevention of his movements from place to place; or his free action according to his own pleasure and will; *** it is false imprisonment when this is done without lawful authority. Griffin v. Clark, 53 Idaho 364, 42 p.(2d) 297, 301 (1935); citing Cordell v. Standard Oil Co., 131 Kan. 221, 289 P. 472, 473 (1930); Johnson v. Thompson, 13 Fed. Case 840, 853, No. 7,416 (1833).

FALSE IMPRISONMENT is the unlawful and total restraint of the liberty of the person. The imprisonment is false in the sense of being unlawful. The right violated by this tort is “right of free locomotion”. It belongs historically to the class of rights known as simple or primary rights. *** The theory of law is that one interferes with the right of locomotion of another at his own peril. Riley v. Stone, 174 N.C. 588; 94 S.E. 434, 440 (1917).

FALSE IMPRISONMENT is necessarily a wrongful interference with the personal liberty of an individual. The wrong may be committed by words alone or actions alone, or by both, and by merely operating on the will of the individual, or by violence, or by both. It is not necessary that the individual to be confined within a prison, or within walls, or that he be assaulted or touched. It is not necessary that there should be any injury done to the individual’s person or his character or reputation; nor is it necessary that the wrongful act be committed by malice or ill will, or even the slightest wrongful intention; nor is it necessary that the act be under color of legal or judicial proceeding. All that is necessary is that the individual be restrained of his liberty without any sufficient legal cause therefor, and by words or acts which he fears to disregard. Granier v. Squires, 62 Kan. 321, 62 Pac. 1005, 1006 (1900); Kroeger v. Passmore, 36 Mont. 504, 93 Pac. 805, 807 (1908).


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FALSE IMPRISONMENT has been well defined to be a trespass committed by one man against the person of another, by unlawfully arresting him and detaining him without any legal authority. Riegel v.Hygrade Seed Co., 47 Fed. Supp. 290, 294 (1942).

The law sets such a high value on the liberty of the citizen that even an attempt to unlawfully arrest is esteemed a great provocation. Giddens v. State, 154 Ga. 54, 113 S.E. 386, 388 (1922).

All authorities agree that an arrest can be made either with or without any physical force or actually touching by the officer. McAleer v. Good, 216 Pa. 473, 65 Atl. 934, 935 (1907).

In all cases in which there is no physical touching or seizure, nor any physical resistance, the intention of the parties to the transaction is to be considered. In such a case there must have been intent on the part of one of them to arrest or restraint the other, and intent of such other to submit, under the belief and impression that submission was necessary. Johnson v. Norfolk & W. Ry. Co., 82 W.Va. 692, 97 S.E. 189, 191 (1918).

False imprisonment is the unlawful restraint by one person of the physical liberty of another, as here used the word “false” seems to be synonymous with unlawful. Mahan v. Adams, 144 Md. 355, 124 A. 901, 904 (1924).

Any exercise of force, or expressed or implied threat of force, by which in fact the other person is deprived of his liberty , compelled to remain to remain where he does not wish to remain, or go where he does not wish to go, is an imprisonment. Black v. Clark’s Greenboro Inc.,263 N.C. 226, 193 S.E. 2d. 199, 201 (1964).

False imprisonment is the unlawful arrest or detention of a person, without warrant, or by an illegal warrant, or a warrant illegally executed. Noce v. Ritchie, 155 S.E. 127, 128 (W.Va. 1930).

Any restraint, however slight, upon another’s liberty to come and go as he pleases, constitutes an arrest. Turney v. Rhodes, 42 Ga. App. 104, 155 S.E. 112 (1930).

False imprisonment at common law and elsewhere consists in the unlawful detention for any length of time, whereby he is deprived of his liberty. Sinclair Mining Co. v. Meek, 62 Ga. App. 850, 10 S.E. 2d, 76, 79 (1940), citing : 3 Bl. Com. 127, 12 Amer. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 721; 19 Cyc. 319.

Even where police officers stop a moving vehicle for a brief detention, it is sufficient to constitute an arrest.5 Amer. Jurisprudence, 2d, “Arrest,” sect. 1, p. 296.

False imprisonment is defined as an act which, directly or indirectly, is a legal cause of confinement of another within boundaries fixed by the actor for any time, no matter how short the duration, makes the actor liable to the other. Sergeant v. Watson Bros Transp. Co., 244 Iowa 185, 52 N.W. 2d. 86, 93 (1952).

When one is approached by an officer and questioned about his identity and actions, this is only an accosting not an arrest. Cornish v. State, 215 Md. 64, 137 Alt. 2d. 170, 173 (1957).


False Imprisonment was an indictable offense at common law, and RELIEF by the party aggrieved was obtained by an action for TRESPASS vi et armis (with force of arms). Meints v. Huntington, 279 F. 245, 248, (1921), citing 3 Blackstone, Com. 127, 4 Blackstone Com. 218.

The general rule of damages in cases of False Imprisonment is the person causing a wrongful imprisonment is liable for all the natural and probable consequences thereof. The Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages for what the party wrongfully did. *** In Murphy v. Countiss, 1 Harr. (Del.) 143, in an action for trespass, assault and battery, and false imprisonment, the court held that the plaintiff could recover, not merely for the time the constable was bringing him to jail, but for the whole period of his imprisonment. And in Mandeville v. Guernsey, 51 Barb. (N.Y.) 99, the court said, “The arrest being wrongful, the defendant is liable for all the injurious consequences to the plaintiff which resulted directly from the wrongful act.” Knickerbocker Steamboat Co., v. Cusack, 172 Fed. 358, 360-361 (1905).


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Unlawful interference with or injuries to the liberty of a citizen is a violation of his natural, inherent and absolute rights, which damage results as a legal consequence. Meints v. Huntington, 279 F. 245, 248, (1921), citing: Adler v. Fenton, 24 How (65 U.S.) 407, 410 (1860).

False imprisonment generally includes an assault and battery, and always, at least, a technical assault. Black v. Clark’s Greenboro Inc.,263 N.C. 226, 193 S.E. 2d. 199, 201 (1964), 139 S.E.2d. 199, 201 (1964), It has been said that, “An illegal arrest is an assault and battery” State v. Robinson, 145 Me. 77, 72 A. (2d) 260. 262 (1950).

Punitive damages are ……. They are the injuries and sufferings that were intended, or occurred through malice, carelessness or negligence amounted to a wrong so reckless and wanton as to be without excuse. Ross v. Leggett, 61 Mich. 445, 28 N.W. 695, 697 (1886).

Anyone who assists or participates in an unlawful arrest or imprisonment is equally liable for the damages caused. Thus where a man was illegally arrested by a police officer, and was placed in a patrol wagon in which he was taken to the central station, it was held that the two officers in charge of the patrol wagon were liable, along with the arresting officer, for false imprisonment. Cook v. Hastings, 150 Mich. 289, 114 N.W. 71, 72 (1907).

(false imprisonment and malicious prosecution) There is a fundamental difference between these two charges. They are made up of different elements, enforced by different forms of action, are governed by different rules of pleading, evidence, and damages, and are subject to different defenses. Snyder v. Thompson, 134 Iowa 725, 35 C.J.S. , False Imprisonment, sect. 4, p. 625.

Malicious prosecution is an action ex delicto for the recovery of damages which have proximately result to person, property, or reputation from a previous unsuccessful civil or criminal proceeding , which prosecuted without probable cause and with malice. In an action of this type, the burden rests on the plaintiff (the one bringing the suit) to establish each and all of the following propositions before being entitled to recover, to wit; (1) He was prosecuted in a criminal proceeding or civil lawsuit; (2) Defendant instigated such prosecution; (3) The prosecution termination favorable to the accused; (4) The defendant acted without probable cause; (5) Defendant acted with malice; and (6) Damages that were caused. Sergeant v. Watson Bros Transp. Co., 244 Iowa 185; 52 N.W. 2d. 86, 93 (1952); Cox v. Cashio, 96 So. 2d. 872, 874 (1957).

There is a marked distinction between malicious prosecution and false imprisonment. If the imprisonment is under legal process, but the action has been commenced and carried on maliciously and without probable cause, it is malicious prosecution. If it has been extra-judicial, without legal process, it is false imprisonment. Colter v. Lower and Others,35 Ind. 285, 286-287, 9 Am. Rep. 735 (1871).

In the case of malicious prosecution the arrest or detention is procured from malicious motives and without probable cause, but was done under lawful process, whereas in false imprisonment the detention is without proper legal authority. Stallings v. Foster, 119 Cal. App. 2d. 614, 259 P.2d. 1006, 1009 (1953).

(false imprisonment and malicious prosecution) In describing the distinction between these two charges, the Supreme Court of Oregon stated that foundation of the cause of action for false imprisonment is the right which even a guilty man has to be protected against any unlawful restraint of his personal liberty; while a malicious prosecution case is founded upon the right of an innocent man to be compensated in damages for any injury he may sustain when a groundless charge is brought against him, even though such charge may be presented and prosecuted in accordance with the strictest forms of law. State v. Williams, 45 Ore. 314, 77 Pac. 965, 969 (1904).

“…, the want of authority is an essential element in any action for false imprisonment. Whereas malice and want of probable cause are the essential elements in an action for malicious prosecution. Roberts v. Thomas, 135 Ky. 63, 121 S.W. 961, 962 (1909).


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The law governing this case is elementary. Except for a breach of the peace committed in his presence, or when he has reasonable ground to believe that the person arrested is a Felon or is about to commit a felony, a police officer has no authority to Arrest without a Warrant. Cook v. Hastings, 150 Mich. 289, 114 N.W. 71, 72 (1907).


In some states there has been attempts to expand the meaning of “breach of the peace” to include all indictable misdemeanors ; “but this it must be confessed is doing serious violence to a simple expression, easily and well understood.” Walter Anderson, A Treatise on the Law of Sheriffs, Coroners, and Constables, vol. 1, sect. 131, pp. 126-27 (1941).

(A) breach of peace, includes acts of public turbulence, acts of violence or tending to produce violence or tending to incite violence, disturbance of the public tranquility by yelling, hollering, or uttering loud and vociferous language, making disturbing noises on a public street by one in a state of intoxication, … wanton discharge of a firearm in a public place, engaging in an affray or in an assault, … uttering abusive, profane, indecent, or otherwise provocative language. 12 American Jurisprudence, 2d, “Breach of Peace,” sect. 8, pp. 669-70.

A breach of the peace is a public offense done by violence or one causing or likely to cause an immediate disturbance of public order. State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d. 100, 104 (1954) authorities cited.

The acts that are only malum prohibita include liquor prohibition laws, traffic laws, labor laws, health laws, food laws, building codes and zoning ordinances, safety acts, game laws, and very many other “police regulations”. Without a statute, most of the acts constituting these offenses would be innocent acts. Allen v. State, 183 Wis. 323, 197 N.W. 808, 811 (1924).

A parade on the street is not of itself a breach of the peace though it could constitute one. In Shields v. State, 187 Wis. 448, 204 N.W. 486, 40 A.L.R. 945.

The carrying of arms in a quiet, peaceable, and orderly manner; concealed on or about the person, is not a breach of the peace. Nor does such an act, of itself, tend to a breach of the peace. Wharton’s Criminal Law and Procedure, 12 Ed., vol. 2, “Breach of the Peace”, sect. 803, p. 660 (1975); 12 American Jurisprudence 2d. “Breach of the Peace”, sect. 8 pp. 669-70; Judy v. Lashley, 50 W.Va. 628, 41 S.E. 197, 200 (1902); Robertson v. State, 43 Fla. 156; 29 So. 535, 538 (1901).

A mere trespass is not a breach of the peace and does not impose criminal liability upon the wrongdoer. Wharton’s Criminal Law and Procedure, 12 Ed., vol. 2, “Breach of the Peace”, sect. 804.

Driving an automobile while intoxicated constitutes a breach of the peace. State v. Rue, 72 N.M. 212, 392 P.2d 397, 700 (1963); State v. Jennings, 112 Ohio App. 455, 179 N.E. 2d 304, 307.

A mere violation of public decorum or a penal law, does not constitute a breach of the peace. Herron v. Commonwealth, 294 Ky. 31, 170 S.W. 2d 861, 862 (1943).

Conduct merely amounting to a nuisance is not per se a breach of the peace. State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d. 100 (1954).

The sale of fifteen dynamite caps to a 15-year old boy did not constitution a breach of the peace. State v. Thomson, 117 Vt. 70; 84 A.2d 594, 596 (1951).

A theft is not in its nature a breach of the peace. Radloff v. National Food Stores, 20 Wis. 2d 224, 123 N.W. 2d 570 (1963).


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A charge of “disorderly conduct” is broader term that breach of the peace because a person who commits a breach of the peace is necessarily guilty of disorderly conduct , but all disorderly conduct is necessarily a breach of the peace. City of Seattle v. Franklin, 191 Wash. 297, 70 P.2d 1049, 1051.


In case of a misdemeanor, a peace officer like a private person has at common law no power of arresting without a warrant except when a breach of the peace has been committed in his presence or there is reasonable ground for supposing that a breach of the peace is about to committed or renewed in his presence. Carroll v. United States, 267 U.S. 132, 157 (1924) Citing: Halsbury’s Laws of England, vol. 9, part III, p. 612.

A constable cannot arrest, but when he sees an actual breach of peace, and if the affray be over, he cannot arrest; and where a breach of the peace had been committed, and was over, the constable must proceed in the same way as any other person, namely; by obtaining a warrant from a magistrate. State v. Lewis, 50 Ohio Rep. 179, 185; 33 N.E. 405, 406-407 (1893); Also: Pow v. Beckner, 3 Ind. 475, 478; Commonwealth v. Gorman, 288 Mass. 294, 297; 192 N.E. 618, 620 (1924); 2 Hawkins P.C., c.13 sect. 8; and in the English case of Regina v. Tooley, 2 Ld. Ray. 1296, 1301; 11 Mod. 242, 250, by Lord Holt.

(N)either an officer nor a citizen may arrest for a misdemeanor which does not amount to a breach of the peace even though it occurs in his presence. As for example, talking loudly in the street in the presence of the officer, who ordered the parties to be quite, an arrest without a warrant was not justified; nor where D in the presence of O, “was turning toward the wall for a particular purpose” of relief, in the street; or where he was disturbing a public meeting; or obstructing the free passage across a bridge; or refusing to move on, on a sidewalk, at the request of the officer; or fraudulently substituting a smaller for a larger check; or fraudulently evading payment of a railroad fare; or maintaining a billboard on a sidewalk; or insulting the head of the house in the presence of his family; or assembling to witness a Sunday ball game; or a movie show.22 Michigan Law Review, 673, “Arrest without Warrant”, pp. 703-704. Citing cases an quoting from: Halsbury’s Laws of England.

After the tumult is over, with no prospect its renewal, it is to late to interfere without judicial process. And other past misdemeanors are within the same rule, namely, that a private person, or even an officer, cannot without a warrant arrest one for a misdemeanor committed on an occasion already passed. 1 Bish. Crim. Proced. Sects. 166, 167. As quoted in: Ex parte Rhodes, 202 Ala. 68, 79 So. 462, 472 (1918).

., if public order has been fully restored before the officer appears, the power to arrest without warrant for a misdemeanor breach of the peace no longer exists, for the end by which such authority is allowed – to maintain the public peace – is no longer attainable. State v. Lewis, 50 Ohio Rep. 179, 185; 33 N.E. 405, 406-407 (1893);

The occasions which would justify street arrest without process for “vagrancy” would indeed by very rare, inasmuch as it involves no immediate danger to the public or private security. Sarah Way’s Case, 41 Mich. 299, 304 (1879).

An arrest for breach of the peace in the officer’s presence must be made “promptly,” either “at the time of the offense” or “as soon as the circ*mstances permit.” If the officer does not act immediately after the offense has been committed, he can thereafter make arrests only by procuring a warrant. 4 Am. Jur. “Arrest”, sect. 67, p. 46; Lyons v. Worley, 152 Okla. 57, 4 P.2d. 3, 6 (1931); State v. Lewis, 50 Ohio Rep. 179, 185; 33 N.E. 405, 406-407 (1893).

The authority of a constable to break open doors and arrest without a warrant is confined to cases where treason or felony has been committed, or if there is an affray or a breach of the peace in his presence. 2 Hale P.C. 88, 96; 1 Hawkins c. 63 sect. 16; 1 Russell on Crimes, 629; 1 Chitty’s Criminal Law, 14, 15; Bacon, Abr. “Constable”, C; McLennon v. Richardson, 15 Gray’s Rep. 74, 77 (Mass. 1860).

Public drunkenness unaccompanied by language or conduct which creates a breach of the peace, will not justify arrest without a warrant. State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d. 100, 104 (1954) authorities cited.


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Impudent, abusive or offensive language addressed to a peace officer does not tend to breach the peace, even though it may provoke the officer to anger. Pavish v. Meyers, 129 Wash. 605, 225 Pac. 633, 634 (1924); Salem v. Coffey, 113 Mo. App. 675, 88 S.W. 772 (1905); People v. Lukowsky, 94 Misc. 500, 159 N.Y.S. 599 (1916); Meyers v. Collett, 1 Utah 2d 406, 268 P.2d 432, 434 (1954).

And it has been held that the refusal “to give one’s name and address does not justify the incarceration of a citizen.” Scott v. Fielschmidt, 191 Iowa 347, 182 N.W. 382, 384 (Iowa, 1921).


An officer cannot arrest because he thinks or has suspicions that a breach of the peace might be committed. The cause for arresting upon such cases must be when a breach of the peace is “threatened” or its occurrence is “imminent”. Price v. State, 227 Md. 28, 175 A.2d 11, 16 (1961).

We are of opinion that a threat or other indication of a breach of the peace will not justify an officer in making an arrest, unless the facts are such as would warrant the officer in believing an arrest is necessary to prevent an immediate execution thereof, as where a threat is made coupled with some overt act in attempted execution thereof. *** The object of permitting an arrest under such circ*mstances is to prevent a breach of the peace, where the facts show danger of its being immediately committed. Quinn v. Heisel, 40 MIch. 576, 578-79 (1879).

The courts are almost unanimous is the holdings *** that a threatened breach of the peace will not justify an arrest without warrant, unless the facts are such as would warrant the officer in believing an arrest is necessary to prevent an immediate execution thereof, as where a threat is made coupled with some overt act in attempted execution thereof. In such cases the officer need not wait until the offense is actually committed. Haverbekken v. Hollingsworth, 250 S.W. 261, 265 (Tex. Civ. App. 1923).

[W]e think the breach of the peace is threatened *** if the offending person’s conduct under surrounding facts and circ*mstances is such as reasonably justifies a belief that the perpetration of an offense amounting to a breach of the peace is imminent. State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d. 100, 104 (1954) authorities cited.

Thus a breach of the peace when one’s “senses afford him knowledge” that it “is being committed,” whether though “sight”, hearing or other senses. Restatement, Torts, Sec. 119; Walker v. United States, 7 Fed.2d 309, 311 (9th Cir. 1925); Wharton’s Criminal Law and Procedure, vol. 1, “Arrest”, sect. 65, 12th Ed., p. 173.

An arrest for breach of the peace cannot be justified merely upon belief of suspicion existing in the mind of the officer, but, where the actions of the person and the surrounding circ*mstances are such as to indicate a threatened breach of the peace, the arrest may be lawfully made. Hughes v. State, 145 Tenn. 544, 238 S.W. 588, 596 (1922).


All persons whatever, who are present when a felony is committed, or a dangerous wound is given, are bound to apprehend the offenders. (3 Hawkins P.C., 57, Arrest, s. 1.) Phillips against Trull, 11 Johnson’s Rep. 485, 487 (N.Y. 1814). See also, 6A, C.J.S., “Arrest,” Sect. 13.

Where there is a felony and it is past, the officer is justified in arresting though no offense has been committed; yet have had reasonable cause to suspect the one apprehended. The State v. Underwood, 75 Mo. 230, 237 (1881), citing Bishop’s Criminal Procedure, sect. 181; Also see Commonwealth v. Carey, 12 Cush. 246 (Mass.); Palmer v. Maine Cent. R. Co., 92 Me. 399, 42 Atl. 800, 803 (1899), authorities cited.

All arrest for felonies not seen or witnessed by the officer or citizen making the arrest have the burden to justify the arrest. In a felony arrest by a private citizen, he must justify the arrest by showing “that the felony had actually been committed, and that he had reasonable grounds for believing the person arrested to be guilty. Palmer v. Maine Cent. R. Co., 92 Me. 399, , 42 Atl. 800, 803 (1899), authorities cited; Golibert v. Sullivan, 30 Ind. App. 428, 66 N.E. 188, 191 (1903).


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An officer is only required to show the probable cause existing for making the arrest, and need not show that a felony actually occurred, though such proof could serve as a justification. State v. Nolan, 354 Mo. 980, 192 S.W.2d 1016, 1020 (1946).

If two persons be fighting, and there be reason to fear one of them will be killed by the other, it will be lawful to part and imprison them until their anger shall be cooled. Bacon, Abr., Trespass, D.; 2 Roll 559; *** And private may justify breaking and entering the plaintiff’s house, and imprisoning his person, to prevent him from murdering his wife. Colby v. Jackson, 12 N.H. 526, 530 (1842).


Thus a Valid Defense or proper justification for False Imprisonment would normally be one asserting the legality of the arrest. Marks v. Baltimore & O.R. Co., 131 N.Y.2d 325, 327, 284 App. Div. 251 (1954).

The law watches personal liberty with vigilance and jealousy; and whoever imprisons another, in this country, must do it for lawful cause and in a legal manner. (Justice Hand) Pratt v. Hill, 16 Barb. Rep. 303, 308 (N.Y. 1853)

The PLAINTIFF need not prove that the imprisonment was unlawful or malicious, but establishes a prima facie case if he proves that he was imprisoned by the defendant; the onus then lies on the defendant of proving a justification. Earl of Halsbury, The Laws of England, vol. 38 3rd. Ed., Pt. 4, Sect. 1266, p. 765, London 1962.

The only thing that the PLAINTIFF needs to plead and to prove is one of two things, either (1) that the defendant made an arrest or imprisonment, or (2) the defendant affirmatively instigated, encouraged, incited, or cause the arrest or imprisonment. Burlington Transp. Co., v. Josephson, 153 Fed. 2d 372, 376 (1946).

When a plaintiff has shown that he was arrested, imprisoned, or restrained of his liberty by the defendant, “the law presumes it to be unlawful.” People v. McGrew, 77 Cal. 570, 20 Pac. 92 (1888); Knight v. Baker, 117 Ore. 492, 244 P. 543, 544 (1926).

Thus it has been held in false imprisonment suits the defendant, in order to escape liability, must either prove that he did not imprison the plaintiff or he must justify the imprisonment. Southern Ry. Co. v. Shirley, 121 Ky. 863, 90 S.W. 597, 599 (1906); citing: 12 A. & Eng. Ency. of Law (2d. Ed.) p. 733.

Stated another way, “the burden is on the defendant to show the arrest was by authority of law.” McAleer v. Good, 216 Pa. 473, 65 Atl. 934, 935 (1907); Mackie v. Ambassador Hotel & Inv. Co., 123 Cal. App. 215, 11 P.2d 3, 6 (1932).

It was long said by Lord Mansfield: A gaoler, if he has a prisoner in custody, is prima facie guilty of an imprisonment; and therefore must justify. Badkin v. Powel, Cowp. 476, 478. So, in Holroyd v. Doncaster,11 Moore 440, it was said by Chief Justice Best: “Where a man deprives another of his liberty, the injured party is entitled to maintain an action for false imprisonment, and it is for the defendant to justify his proceeding by showing that he had legal authority for doing that which he had done.” Jackson v. Knowlton, 173 Mass. 94, 53 N.E. 134 (1899).

Where an officer arrests a person without a warrant, the burden rests on the officer to plead and prove justification. Otherwise the arrest is prima facie unlawful. Evans v. Jorgenson, 182 Minn. 282, 234 N.W. 292, 293 (1931) Cases cited.

In 2 Bishop on Criminal Procedure, section 368 it is said; “In matters of evidence, if the imprisonment is proved, its unlawfulness will be prima facie presumed; but authority may be shown by the defendant in justification.” Snyder v. Thompson, 134 Iowa 725, 112 N.W. 239, 241 (1907).

The rule of burden of proof is the same in a criminal proceeding, where “any arrest made without a warrant if challenged by the defendant, is presumptively invalid,” and the “burden is upon the state” to justify it as one not only authorized by statute, but also as one not violative of constitutional provisions. The “validity of the arrest” will render “the search invalid and the evidence obtained inadmissible.” State v. Mastrain, 285 Minn. 51, 56-57, 171 N.W. 2d 695 (1969); Butler v. State, 212 So. 2d 573, 577 (Miss. 1968). This was so held in Testolin v. State, 205 N.W. 825 (Wis. 1925).


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False Imprisonment is an unlawful restraint of an individual’s Personal Freedom or Freedom of Locomotion. The good faith of the actor is no justification, nor is the want of probable cause an essential element, as in the case of Malicious Prosection. Sergeant v. Watson Bros. Transp. Co., 244 Iowa 185, 52 N.W. 2d. 86, 93 (1952). Citing: Maxwell v. Maxwell, 189 Iowa 7, 177 N.W. 541 (1920).

In cases of false imprisonment, the only essential elements of the action are “detention and its unlawfulness.” Thus “malice and want of probable cause need not be shown,” Sinclair Mining Co. v. Meek, 62 Ga. App. 850, 10 S.E. 2d, 76, 79 (1940), Authorities cited, or are “not necessary to a proper cause of action for false arrest.” . Stallings v. Foster, 119 Cal. App. 2d. 614, 259 P.2d. 1006, 1009 (1953).

It is well settled in law that the want of reasonable or probable cause and the want of malice are elements not entering into the actions of false imprisonment in so far as actual damages are concerned. Carter v. Casey, 153 S.W. 2d 744, 746 (Mo. 1941). Numerous cases cited therein.

The question of probable cause, in its usual sense, is not involved in the action for false imprisonment. Ehrhardt v. Wells Fargo & Co., 134 Minn. 58, 158 N.W. 721, 722 (1916)

Thus according to the great weight of authority, the existence of probable cause is not an element of nor a defense to an action for false imprisonment. Swafford v. Vermillion, 261 P.2d 187 (Okla. 1953), See also, 35 Corpus Juris Secundum, “False Imprisonment,” Sect. 7 p. 631. 32 American Jurisprudence, “False Imprisonment,” Sects. 6, 7 p. 64, sect. 114, p. 178; Hostetller v. Carter, 175 Pac. 244, 246 (Okla. 1918).

A case in South Dakota developed where a sheriff had, due to mistaken identity, arrested the wrong person as an embezzler upon a warrant which did not name or describe the person to be arrested. The sheriff alleged good faith and probable cause for arresting the man. The State Supreme Court held that the fact that the sheriff acted in good faith and with probable cause was no defense, and may not be taken into account in determining the damages which will compensate the plaintiff. Bean v. Best, 77 S.D. 433, 93 N.W. 2d 403 (1958).

In an action for trespass and false imprisonment, probable cause and the absence of malice constitute no defense. *** In this form of action belief in the guilt of the party arrested, no matter how strong or well founded in the mind of the officer or person making the arrest, will not justify deprivation of another of his liberty; and it is unimportant whether the circ*mstances would lead a reasonable or prudent person to believe the accused was actually guilty. Markey v. Griffin, 109 Ill.App. 212 (1903).

In an action for false imprisonment, neither actual malice nor want of probable cause is an essential element necessary to a recovery of general damages. McNeff v. Heider, 337 P.2d 819, 821 (Ore., 1958), 35 C.J.S. , “False Imprisonment,” sect. 7, p. 629-30.

A lawful imprisonment does not become unlawful because of malicious motives nor does an unlawful detention become lawful because of actuated by a laudable purpose or founded in good faith. Thompson v. Farmers’ Exchange Bank, 333 Mo. 437, 62 S.W. (2d) 803, 811 (Mo. 1933).

All that is necessary to establish false imprisonment is that an individual be restrained of his liberty under the probable imminence of force without any legal cause or justification thereof. It is not necessary to show actual force, threat, or injury done to the individual’s person, character, or reputation. The lack of malice, the presence of good faith, or the presence of probable cause do not affect the existence of the wrong when the detention is unlawful. Nesmith v. Alford, 318 Fed. 2d 110, 118-19 (1962). Authorities cited therein.

In false imprisonment, the essence of the tort is that plaintiff is forcibly deprived of his liberty, or the fact that he had probable cause for believing that an offense was committed, and acted in good faith, will not justify or excuse the trespass. Daniels v. Milstead, 121 Ala. 333, 128 So. 447, 448 (1930); De Armond v. Saunders, 243 Ala.263, 9 So. 2d 747, 751 (1942).


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The motive with which a restraint of liberty is accomplished, be it evil or good, is irrelevant to the question of whether or not an unlawful arrest has been established. The existence of actual malice is of consequence only as it may afford the basis for punitive damages. In Garnier v. Squires,62 Kan. 321, 62 P. 1005, the court said: “As will be seen, malice and willfulness are not essential elements of false imprisonment; and motives of the defendant, whatever they may have been, are not material to the case.” Holland v. Lutz, 194 Kan. 712, 401 P.2d 1015, 1019 (1965).

In false imprisonment suits, *** the essence of the tort consists in depriving the plaintiff of his liberty without lawful justification, and the good or evil of the defendant does not excuse or create the tort. 11 R.C.L. 791. *** Any deprivation by one person of the liberty of another without his consent, constitutes an imprisonment, and if this is done unlawfully, it is false imprisonment, without regard to whether it is done with or without probable cause. Mahan v. Adams, 144 Md. 355, 124 Atl. 901, 904 (1924), cases cited.

In Starkie’s Evid. 1112 it is said: “No proof of malice or probable cause is necessary to make a case for false imprisonment.” Southern Ry. Co. in Kentucky v. Shirley, 121 Ky. 863, 90 S.W. 597, 599 (1906).

It has been stated that the citizen’s liberty must not depend upon good merely, but upon legal rules governing official action. Hill v. Wyrosdick, 216 Ala. 335, 113 So. 49, 50 (1927).

It has been held many times that in cases of false imprisonment, “the defendant can only avoid liability for false arrest by pleading justification for the arrest.” Kraft v. Montgomery Ward & Co., 38 P.2d 239, 243 (Ore. 1959). (All other arguments must necessarily fail.)


Ignorance of the fact excuses ignorance of the law excuses not; Every man must be taken to be cognizant of the law; otherwise there is no saying to what extent the excuse of ignorance may not be carried. Maxims of Law, ed. C.A. Weisman, 57f. (1 co*ke 177; 4 Bouvier’s Institutes, n. 3828).

It has been said that an unlawful detention of imprisonment does not become lawful because done out of ignorance of the law. 35 C.J.S. , “False Imprisonment,” sect. 7, p. 630.

It is No Defense that a person perpetrating an illegal arrest or imprisonment is ignorant of the illegality of his acts. Stembridge v. Wright, 32 Ga. App. 587, 124 S.E. 115 (1924).

False Imprisonment is treated as a Tort and also as a Crime. *** If the conduct is unlawful, neither good faith, nor provocation, nor ignorance of the law is a defense to the person committing the wrong. crime Kroeger v. Passmore, 36 Mont. 504, 93 Pac. 805, 807 (1908).

As is the case of illegal arrests, the officer is bound to know these fundamental rights and privileges, and must keep within the law at his peril. Theide v. Town of Scandia Valley, 217 Minn. 218, 231, 14 N.W.(2d) 400 (1944).


As stated in Annotation 25 A.L.R. 1519; “No one can recover damages for a LEGAL arrest and conviction; therefore, in cases of malicious prosecution, it becomes necessary to await the final determination of the action. But the same principal does not apply to an action for False Imprisonment, as the form of action is based on an ILLEGAL ARREST; and no matter ex post facto can legalize an act which was ILLEGAL at the time it was done. Sergeant v. Watson Bros. Transp. Co., 244 Iowa 185, 52 N.W. 2d. 86, 93 (1952); citing Neves v. Costa, 5 Cal. App. 111, 89 Pac. 860 (1907).

The guilt of the plaintiff is not material. Halliburton-Abbot Co. v. Hodge, 44 P.2d 122, 125 (1935).

An ARREST is UNLAWFUL, even though the arrestee be guilty of a felony, if the officer had not reasonable ground to believe him guilty. Thus neither the guilt nor innocence of the person arrested has anything to do with the legality of the arrest. Michigan Law Review, vol. 31, April 1933, p. 750; citing numerous cases.


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It thus has been declared in an action for False Imprisonment, the termination of a prior proceeding in favor of the one deprived of his liberty is not material to his suit. Riegel v.Hygrade Seed Co., 47 Fed. Supp. 290, 294 (1942); Thompson v. Farmers’ Exchange Bank, 333 Mo. 437, 62 S.W. (2d) 803, 811 (Mo. 1933); 25 American Law Reports, Annotation, p. 1518.

The weight of authority is against the proposition that in a suit for False Imprisonment the prosecution should terminate before a suit for damages can be instituted. Boesch v. Kick, 98 N.J. Law 183, 119 Atl. 1, 2 (1922), 25 A.L.R. 1516, 5 Am. Jur. 2d “Arrest”, sect. 22, p. 712.

In a suit for False Imprisonment, a record of conviction for the same offense for which the arrest was made is inadmissible. Donnell Minnesota Digest, 3rd Ed. Vol. 8A, “False Imprisonment”, sect. 1.06(c), citing Wahl v. Walton, 30 Minn. 506, 16 N.W. 397 (1883).

The finding of guilt in the subsequent criminal proceeding cannot legalize an arrest unlawful when made. Coverstone v. Davis, 38 Cal.2d 315, 239 P.2d 876, 878 (1952); Wilson v. Loustalot, 85 Cal. App.2d 316, 193 P.2d 127, 132 (1948); Stewart v. State, 244 S.W.2d 688, 690 (Tex. Civ. App. 1951).

Even where a party has pleaded guilty, the one making the arrest can still be liable for an illegal arrest. Hotzel v. Simmons, 258 Wis. 234, 45 N.W.2d 683, 687 (1951); Anderson v. Foster, 73 Idaho 340, 252 P.2d 199, 202 (1953).

We are of the opinion that the law does not permit the citizen to consent to unlawful restraint, nor permit such a claim to be made on the part of the defendants. In Wharton on Criminal Law, vol. 1, sect. 751e it is said: “No man has a Right to take away another’s Liberty, even though with consent, except by process of law. And the reason is, that LIBERTY is an unalienable prerogative of which no man can divest himself, and of which any divestiture is null. Meints v. Huntington, 276 F. 245, 248, (1921), other authorities cited.


But immunity from suit is a high attribute of sovereignty – a prerogative of the State itself – which cannot be availed of by public agents when sued for their own torts. Hopkins v. Clemson College, 221 U.S. 636, 642-43 (1910); Johnson v. Lankford, 245 U.S. 541, 546 (1917).

An officer’s duty is described as ministerial “when it is absolute, certain and imperative, involving merely execution of a specific duty arising from fixed and designated facts.” Rico v. State, 472 N.W.2d 100, 107 (Minn., 1991).


Though the police are honest and their aims worthy, history show that they are not appropriate guardians of the privacy which the Fourth Amendment protects. Jones v. United States, 362 U.S. 257, 273 (1959). (Supreme Court ruling.)


A warrant of arrest is a written order issued by a court or magistrate, directed to a peace officer or a specified private person, commanding him to arrest a named person. Wharton’s Criminal Law and Procedure, 12 Ed., sect. 54, p. 151.

In 6 C.J.S. sect. 4, p. 576 et seq., we find the general rule stated as follows: “The warrant at the time of the arrest must be in the possession of and with the person purporting to act there under or of one with whom he is acting in conjunction. *** Accordingly, where the warrant is at the officer’s house some distance from the scene of the arrest, or in the central office of a city detective bureau, the arrest is unlawful. Alexander v. Lindsey, 230 N.C. 663, 55 S.E.2d 470, 474 (1949).

[U]nder the great weight of authority an officer making an arrest for a misdemeanor not committed in his presence must have the warrant for such arrest in his actual possession if the arrest is to be lawful. Smith v. State, 208 So.2d 746, 747 (Miss., 1968). Although an officer seeing a misdemeanor being committed cannot arrest the person committing it, he can in most cases stop him from committing it or prevent the continuance. Thus in observing a petty theft, an officer can stop the suspect, which would be an arrest, to recover the items taken.


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The authorities agree that in cases of misdemeanor not committed in his presence, and for which he cannot lawfully arrest without a warrant, the officer should have the warrant in his actual possession at the time of the arrest. *** It was not necessary that he should have the warrant in his hand or in his pocket at the time of the actual arrest. Actual possession of it does not mean that. The rule is satisfied if the officer has such possession of the warrant that he can produce it with reasonable promptness on demand. State v. Shaw, 104 S.C. 359, 89 S.E. 322, 323 (1916).

[T]he officer who seeks to arrest by virtue of a warrant must have the warrant in his possession at the time of the arrest. We need not undertake to define exactly what is meant by “in his possession,” *** Of course, it does not necessary mean that the warrant shall be actually in his hand. O’Halloran v. M’Guirk, 167 Fed. 493, 495, 93 C.C.A. 129 (1909).

Where a warrant was directed to all police officers, and exhibited to two police officers but was kept in the police station, the warrant was not “sufficiently in the possession of the two officers to sustain an arrest by them.” People v. Fischetti, 273 Ill. App. 215 (1933).

The text books generally state, and many cases hold, it necessary not only that a warrant of arrest should have been issued, but the officer making the arrest shall have it with him and show it on request. In Beale’s Crim. Pl. & Pr. sect. 18 it is said: “An officer arresting on a warrant must have the warrant with him, and must show it on request.” In 1 Bish. New Crim. Proc. sect. 190 it is said: “to justify an arrest under a warrant, the officer must have it in possession; and if, though delivered him, he leaves it at his office or station house, it will not protect him.” In 2 R.C.L. (Ruling Case Law) 465, sect. 23, speaking of misdemeanors not committed in the presence of the officer, it is said: “The officer should have the warrant in his actual possession in order to justify the arrest, and if he does not have it, although it has been duly issued, an officer making an arrest may not be protected by it.” Crosswhites v. Barnes, 139 Va. 471, 124 S.E. 242, 245 (1924).

Indeed, not only must there be a warrant in the class of cases last mentioned (misdemeanor), but, to justify the arrest, the officer must have the warrant with him at the time. Muscoe v. Commonwealth, 86 Va. 443, 10 S.E. 534 (1890).

Since a warrant must be in one’s possession to arrest, a sheriff has no authority to send a deputy to one place to make an arrest without a warrant, while he goes to another for the same purpose with the warrant. Nor can he send his deputy into one town while he gives pursuit in another. McCullough v. Greenfield, 133 Mich. 463, 95 N.W. 532, 533 (1903).

Under the ancient practice of hue and cry, before warrants were issued, this might be done in pursuit of felons, but no hue and cry could be raised for a misdemeanor. We think it clear that in the cases of misdemeanors the sheriff must be present either in sight or hearing, directing the arrest, to justify a person not armed with the warrant to make the arrest. Kratzer v. Matthews, 233 Mich. 452, 206 N.W. 982, 984 (1926); citing, People v.McLean, 68 Mich. 480, 36 N.W. 231.

Whenever a warrant has been issued to arrest a person charged with an offense in respect of which he cannot be apprehended without a warrant, the police must have the warrant in his possession at the time when he executes it. If he has not, the arrest will be illegal. Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 163, 48 S.E. 910, 911 (1904). (Later upheld by a court in a similar situation. Giddens v. State, 154 Ga. 54, 113 S.E. 386, 389 (1922).

In a case where an officer of one city, county or district, telephones to another city, county or district to make an arrest of a party with the last mentioned city, county or district, it affords the officer attempting to carry out the instruction no protection and the arrest is illegal, unless such officer would have a right to arrest without a warrant. Walter H. Anderson, A Treatise on the Law of sheriffs, vol. 1, sect. 133, pp. 128-29 (1941). A sheriff is liable if he arrests for a misdemeanor when acting on a telegram stating a warrant exists. Roberts v. Dean, 187 So. 571 (Fla. 1939).

Thus where an officer was informed by a letter, written by the chief of police of a city in another state, that a certain person has absconded with funds belonging to a benevolent association, the officer was liable for damages for the arrest of this person without a warrant. Malcomson v. Scott, 56 Mich. 459, 23 N.W. 166 (1885).

Where arrest is being under the authority of a warrant, the officer attempting to execute same, and arrest the party named therein, must be in possession of said warrant or it affords him no protection. The necessity for the possession of the warrant is not relaxed by reason of the fact that the party to be arrested knows of the issuance and existence of such


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warrant for his arrest. Walter H. Anderson, A Treatise on the Law of sheriffs, Coroners & Constables, vol. 1, sect. 133, pp. 128 (1941).


(In the case of Smith v. State, supra, the Supreme Court of Mississippi said that the warrant must be in the actual possession of the officer, but) “he must show it to the accused, if requested to do so.” Smith v. State, 208 So.2d 746, 747 (Miss., 1968).

(In State v. Shaw, supra, the Court said the reason a warrant is to be in the actual possession of the arresting officer, is that) “if demanded, he may produce the warrant and read it to the accused, that he may know by what authority and for what cause he is deprived of his liberty. State v. Shaw, 104 S.C. 359, 89 S.E. 322 (1916).

(In Crosswhites v. Barnes, supra, it was stated that the arresting officer must have the warrant with him, “and must show it on request.” (It cited a number of authorities in support of this such as the following:)

In the annotator’s summary of a note in 42 L.R.A. at page 682, it is said: “An accused person, if he demands it, is entitled to have the warrant for his arrest shown to him at the time of the arrest. (See also 61 L.R.A. 211). Crosswhites v. Barnes, 139 Va. 471, 124 S.E. 242, 245 (1924).

A special is bound to show his warrant if requested to do so, and if he omit, the party against who the warrant is may resist and arrest, and the warrant under such circ*mstances is no protection against an action for an assault, battery and false imprisonment. Frost v. Thomas, 24 Wendell’s Rep. (N.Y.) 418, 419 (1840).

(Failure to show or display a warrant when a warrant for an arrest allegedly exists, the arrest becomes illegal. On this matter the Supreme Court of Georgia stated:)

In Galliard v. Laxton, 2 Best & S. 363, 9 Cox C.C. 127, it was held that in a case in which a lawful arrest could be made except under a warrant the arresting officer were bound to have the warrant ready to be produced if required; that an arrest in such a case by police officers who did not have the warrant in their possession at the time was illegal. Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 163, 48 S.E. 910, 911 (1904).

It ought not be denied that the law contemplates that the warrant directing the arrest of a person charged with a crime will be in possession of the officer when he makes the arrest under it, for he is required to exhibit it, if called on to do so; and this is based on a wise public policy, one purpose of which is that the officer may have to exhibit such evidence of his authority to make the arrest as will be deemed to be sufficient to take from the person whose arrest is commanded all right to question the authority of the officer. Cabell v. Arnold, 86 Tex. 102, 23 S.W. 645, 646 (1893).

We think the authorities *** are all to the effect that the officer making the arrest must be in a situation to show, if required, the authority under which he is acting. It is the legal right of the citizen when arrested that such shall be the situation, and, therefore, when such situation does not exist the arrest is a legal wrong. Smith v. Clark, 53 N.J.L. 197, 21 Atl. 491 (1891). Citing: Webb v. State, 51 N.J.L. 189, 17 Atl. Rep. 113.

Every person relying upon a warrant in making an arrest should read it if requested so to do, *** Where a warrant is necessary but the person making the arrest refuses to exhibit when called upon to do so *** he may forfeit the protection which it would otherwise afford him. 2 Ruling Case Law, “Arrest,” sect. 23, pp. 465-66.

The weight of authority now, however, seems to support the proposition that an officer making an arrest under a warrant should show the warrant, if requested to do so, and in some jurisdictions he is expressly required by statute to do so.40 American Law Reports, Annotated, p. 66, numerous cases cited.

The generally recognized rule, however, sustained by the weight of authority and particularly in cases of misdemeanors, requires the officer to exhibit the warrant of arrest before the arrest is made, unless there is some resistance. Walter Anderson, A Treatise on the Law of Sheriffs, Coroners, and Constables, vol. 1, sect. 134 p. 131 (1941).


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We have already expressed our opinion that, if requested, the officers are bound to produce the warrant; and, if so, the keeping in custody after request and noncompliance would not be legal; and it can hardly contended that the arrest itself could be legal. 40 A.L.R. 67, citing: Galliard v. Laxton, 2 Best & S. 363, 121 English Reprint 1109 (1862). Also 51 L.R. A. 202.

I do not think that a person is to take it for granted that another who says he has a warrant against him, without producing it, speaks truth. It is very important that, in all cases where an arrest is made by virtue of a warrant, the warrant (if demanded, at least) should be produced. 40 A.L.R. 67, citing: Hall v. Roche, 8 T.R. 187, 101 Eng. Reprint, 1337 (1799).

“the warrant should be produced if demanded.” State v. Phinney, 42 Me. (1856).

“It is doubtless the duty of an officer who executes a warrant of arrest to state the nature and substance of the process which gives him the authority he professes to exercise, and, if it is demanded, to exhibit his warrant, that the party arrested has no excuse for resistance.” Shovlin v. Com., 106 Pa. 369, 5 Am. Crim. Rep. 41 (1884).

“it is the duty of an officer who attempts to make an arrest to exhibit the warrant if he has one.” Jones v. State, 114 Ga. 79, 39 S.E. 861 (1901).


“Whenever a WARRANT is Invalid On Its Face, or where it is only a summons, the Officer Arresting the defendants will be LIABLE in damages.” 51 A.L.R. citing Frazier v. Turner, 76 Wis. 562, 45 N.W. 411; Carratt v. Morley, 1 Q.B. 18, 1 Gale and D. 45.

Process that is void on its face is no protection to the officer who executes it. If a warrant, order, or writ of possession shows lack of jurisdiction of the court, the officer is not protected in serving it. In fact in doing so he becomes a trespasser.70 American Jurisprudence, 2d. Ed., “Sheriffs, Police, and Constables,” sect. 165, pp. 353-54.

A constable justifying an imprisonment under a warrant must show that the warrant on its face is legal, and that the magistrate had JURISDICTION of the Subject-Matter. Lawyers Reports Annotated, vol. 51, p. 197, citing, Poulk v. Slocum, 3 Blackfords, (Ind.) 421.

The question of JURISDICTION can be raised at any time, and since neither consent nor waiver can give jurisdiction, the court will not proceed where it appears from the record that it has no jurisdiction. 5 American Jurisprudence, 2d. Ed., “Arrest,” sect. 7, p. 700.

A warrant for the arrest of an alleged fugitive was void because the complaint did not state that the original charge has been made upon oath, or made to a court, and it afforded no protection to the constable. Lawyers Reports Annotated, vol. 51, p. 197, citing, Forbes v. Hicks, 27 Neb. 111, 42 N.W. 898 (1889).

The common law requires that an arrest be made on a warrant issued only after a formal charge is made under oath. Morrow v. State, 140 Neb. 592, 300 N.W. 843, 845 (1941).

An affidavit that does not appear to have been sworn before any judicial officer, and a warrant signed only by the officer who made the arrest and not dated or authenticated, afford no lawful authority for the arrest and detention of an accused. Liberis v. Harper, 89 Fla. 477, 104 So. 853, 855 (1925), Also see 5 Am. Jur. 2d. “Arrest,” sect. 12, p. 705.

The United States Supreme Court has considered and disposed of a related problem in Camara v. Municipal Court, 387 U.S. 533, 541. *** The majority in Camara nevertheless stressed the need for “individualized review” by a “neutral magistrate” to avoid the issuance of “rubber stamp” warrants. State v. Palick, 277 Minn. 140, 151 N.W. 2d. 591, 596 (1967). Also, Cox v. Perkins, 107 S.E. 863, 865 (Ga. 1921).

Since the taking of an affidavit in a criminal proceeding imposes a duty of a judicial nature, an affidavit taken before a clerk or prosecution attorney is not sufficient as a basis for the issuance of a warrant. Cox v. Perkins, 151 Ga. 632, 107 S.E. 863 (Ga. 1921).


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A warrant is considered insufficient and thus void if, on its face, it fails to state facts sufficient to constitute a crime. Wharton’s Criminal Law and Procedure, 12 Ed., vol. 1, sect. 54, p. 152 (1974). Citing: Go-Bart Importing Co. v. United States, 282 U.S. 344, 355 (1930); Ex Parte Burford, 7 U.S. 448, 451 (1806); Smith v. Clark, 37 Utah 116, 106 Pac. 653, (1910).

Also a designation or description of the offense should be written in the warrant, but need not specified with the same technical strictness that is required in an indictment. Delk v. Commonwealth, 166 Ky. 39, 178 S.W. 1129 (1915);

The complaint or charge on which a warrant is issued must set forth the facts constituting the offense on the knowledge of the person making the complaint, and if he does not know them other witnesses must be examined who do know them; and no person can be arrested on the belief of a person making the complaint. 2 R.C.L. “Arrest,” sect. 17, p. 460; citing: Brown v. Hadwin, 182 Mich. 491, 148 N.W. 693 (1914).

A person cannot lawfully be arrest by a sheriff acting under a copy of a court order or warrant in the form required. 5 American Jurisprudence, 2d. Ed., “Arrest,” sect. 7, p. 700; citing, Leighton v. Hall, 31 Ill. 108 (1863).

… where a complaint, recited in substance in a warrant, is verified merely on information and belief and does not state facts sufficient to constitute an offense, the warrant must be held to be invalid on its face. 5 American Jurisprudence, 2d. Ed., “Arrest,” sect. 8, p. 702.

Also, an affidavit that merely states belief in the guilt of the accused is insufficient to support a warrant of arrest. Giordenello v. United States, 357 U.S. 480, 78 Sup. Ct. 1245 (1957).

If a warrant, in the first instance, may issue upon mere hearsay or belief, then all the guards of the common law and of the bill of rights, to protect the liberty and property of the citizen against arbitrary power, are swept away. The State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. Rep. 245, 251 (1884).

An affidavit based on a presumption or belief of a crime does not give jurisdiction to the court to issue a warrant; and at common law, a constable or sheriff cannot execute a warrant outside their jurisdiction. 61 American Law Reports, Annotated, pp. 277, 379; Housh v. People, 75 Ill. 487 (1874).

The officer is bound to know if under the law the warrant is defective, and no t fair on its face, and he is liable as a trespasser, if it does not appear on its face to be a lawful warrant. His ignorance is no excuse. Tiedeman, Limitations of Police Power, p. 83, citing: Gruman v. Raymond, 1 Conn. 39; Clayton v. Scott, 45 Vt. 386.



*It is a fundamental rule of procedure well grounded in common law, that where an arrest is made the alleged offender is to be taken “before a magistrate to be dealt with according to law." Muscoe v. Commonwealth, 86 Va. 443, 10 S.E. 534 (1890).

*It is the duty of the officer or other person making an arrest to take the prisoner before a magistrate with reasonable diligence and without unnecessary delay; and the rule is well settled that whether the arrest is made with or without warrant, an action for false imprisonment is predicated on an unreasonable delay in taking the person arrested before a magistrate regardless of the lawfulness of the arrest in the first instance. Mullins v. Sanders, 189 Va. 624, 54 S.E. 2d 116, 120 (1949), citing, 22 Am. Jur., False Imprisonment, sect. 20, p. 366; 35 C.J.S. , “False Imprisonment,” sects. 30,31, pp. 545, 547. Also, Peckum v. Warner Bros. Pictures, 36 Cal. App. 2d 214, 97 Pac. 2d 472, 474 (1939), Oxford v. Berry, 204 MIch. 197, 170 N.W. 83, 88 (1918).

*Even though an arrest be lawful, a detention of the prisoner for an unreasonable time without taking him before a committing magistrate will constitute False Imprisonment. Kleindon v. Glasco*ck, 215 Minn. 417, 10 N.W.2D 394, 397 (1943).


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(… the Supreme Court of Mississippi , in the case of Orick v. State, said:) “By the common law of England,“ an “arrest without warrant for felony” can be made, “only for the purpose of bringing the offencer before a civil magistrate.” Orick v. State, 140 Miss. 184, 105 So. 465, 470 (1925), citing, Kurtz v. Moffett, 115 U.S. 487, 499 (1885).

*The law contemplates that an arrest either by an officer or a private person with or without a warrant is a step in a public prosecution, and must be made with a view of taking the person before a magistrate or judicial tribunal for examination or trial; and an officer, even, subjects himself to liability if there is an unreasonable delay after an arrest in presenting the person for examination or trial. Garnier v. Squires, 62 Kan. 321, 62 Pac. 1005, 1007. (1900).

*When an officer makes an arrest, without warrant, it is his duty to take the person arrested, without unnecessary delay, before a magistrate or other proper judicial officer having JURISDICTION, in order that he may be examined and held or dealt with as the law requires. But to detain the person arrested in custody for any purpose other than taking him before a magistrate is illegal. Kominsky v. Durand, 64 R.I. 387, 12 Atl. 2d 652, 655 (1940). Authorities Cited.

*From the earliest dawn of common law, a constable could arrest without warrant when he had reasonable grounds to suspect that a felony had been committed; and he was authorized to detain the suspected party such a reasonable length of time as would enable him to carry the accused before a magistrate. And this is still the law of the land. Kirk v. Garrett, 84 Md. 383, 406-407, 35 Atl. 1089, 1091 (1896).

The Court went on to state on page 1092:

*It cannot be questioned that, when a person is arrested, either with or without a warrant, it becomes the duty of the officer or the individual making the arrest to convey the prisoner in a reasonable time, and without unnecessary delay, before a magistrate, to be dealt with as the exigency of the case may require. The power to make the arrest does not include the power to unduly detain in custody; but on the contrary, is coupled with a correlative duty, incumbent of the officer, to take the accused before a magistrate, ‘as soon as he reasonably can’ (authorities cited). If the officer fails to do this, and unreasonably detains the accused in custody, he will be guilty of false imprisonment, no matter how lawful the original arrest may have been. (Citing 1 Hill Torts, pp. 213-14, sect. 9).

*Thus, where a person arrested is taken to a jail or sheriff’s office and detained there, with no warrant issued before or after the arrest, it is false imprisonment. The one arresting has “a duty to immediately seek a magistrate,” and that the failure to do so, “makes a case of false imprisonment, as a matter of law, is held by all the authorities.” Heath v. Boyd, 175 S.W. 2d 214, 217, (Tex.-1943); Brock v. Stimson, 108 Mass. 520 (1871).

*An officer making an arrest under a warrant issued upon a complaint, or any person making an arrest without a warrant, shall take the arrested person without unnecessary delay before the nearest available federal magistrate, or in the event that a federal magistrate is not reasonably available, before a state or local judicial officer authorized by 18 U.S.C. sect. 3041. 18 U.S.C.A. “Rules of Criminal Procedure,” Rule 5, p. 29.

*The law requires the arresting officer to bring the accused before a magistrate “as quickly as possible”. (Cases cited). Greenwell v. United States, 336 Fed.2d 962, 965 (1964).

*(The rights of the accused were violated as he was not “promptly taken before a judicial officer as the law required,” but was questioned while held in custody.) It is said that police are guilty of oppression and neglect of duty when they willfully detain a prisoner without arraigning him before a magistrate within a reasonable time. People v. Mummiani, 258 N.Y. 394, 180 N.E. 64, 96 (1932); Peckum v. Warner Bros. Pictures, 36 Cal. App. 2d 214, 97 Pac. 2d 472, 474 (1939).

*(Supreme Court of Illinois) We are of opinion, the arrest of the plaintiff was illegal, and the verdict contrary to the law and the evidence. And if the arrest was legal, they did not proceed according to law, and take him before a magistrate for examination, but conveyed him to another county, and there imprisoned him in the county jail, in a filthy cell, thus invading one of the dearest and most sacred rights of the citizen, secured to him by the great charter of our land. Kindred v. Stitt, 51 Ill. 401, 409 (1869). The requirement of bringing an arrested person directly to a court or judge is due process of law, and as such this procedure cannot be abrogated by statute. For other cases on this matter see: Judson v.


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Reardon, 16 Minn. 387 (1871); Long v. The State, 12 Ga. 293, 318 (1852); Moses v. State, 6 Ga. App. 251, 64 S.E. 699 (1909); Hill v. Smith, 59 S.E. 485 (Va.-1907); Folsom v. Piper, 192 Iowa, 1056, 186 N.W. 28, 29 (1922); Edger v. Burke, 96 Md. 715, 54 Atl. 986, 988 (1903); Bryan v. Comstock, 220 S.W. 475.


It is a familiar rule of law that one who abuses an authority given him by law becomes a TRESPASSER AB INITIO. Leger v. Warren, 62 Ohio St. 500, 57 N.E. 506, 508 (1900).

Where one fails to take a prisoner he has arrested to a proper judge, or where he causes an unreasonable delay in doing so, the officer becomes a TRESPASSER ab initio. Great American Indemnity Co. v. Beverly, 150 F.Supp. 134, 140 (1956).

(The UNLAWFUL CONFINEMENT by an officer makes the entire transaction, including the arrest, unlawful and a TRESPASS.)

An Officer, who has lawfully arrested a prisoner, may be guilty of false imprisonment if he holds him for an unreasonable time without presenting him for hearing or procuring a proper warrant for his detention. Thomas Cooley, A Treatise on the Law of Torts, vol. 1, sect. 114, p. 374 (numerous authorities cited therein).

The New York Supreme Court of Appeals stated the correct exposition of the law in a case where it said that “even though the arrest, when made, was legal and justified,” the officers “became Trespassers Ab Initio and so continued to the time of plaintiff’s release because of their failure to take him before a Magistrate as required.” Farina v. Saratoga Harness Racing Assn., 246 N.Y.S.2d 960, 961 (1964). Seguin v. Myers, 108 N.Y.S.2d 28, 30 (1951).

If there is an Unnecessary Delay [in arraigning the claimant before a Justice of the Peace], then the arrest itself became unlawful on the theory that the defendants were Trespassers Ab Initio and so continued down to the time when the plaintiff was lawfully held under a warrant of commitment, regardless of whether or not the plaintiff was guilty of any crime (numerous cases cited). In Pastor v. Regan, supra, it is said that: The rule laid down in the Six Carpenters’ case, 8 co*ke, 146, that if a man abuses an authority given him by the law he becomes a Trespasser Ab Initio, has never been questioned. Bass v. State, 92 N.Y.S.2d 42, 46-47, 196 Misc. 177 (1949).

Nor is a police officer authorized to confine a person indefinitely whom he lawfully arrested. It is his duty to take him before some court having jurisdiction of the offense and make a complaint against him. *** Any undue delay is unlawful and wrongful, and renders the officer himself and all persons aiding and abetting there Wrongdoers from the Beginning. Ulvestad v.Dolphin, et al, 152 Wash. 520, 278 Pac. 681, 684 (1929).

Thus when one fails to perform part of his duty and it impinges on the Rights of a citizen, he is said to be a Trespasser from the beginning because his whole justification fails, and he stands as if he never had any authority at all to act. Brock v. Stimson, 108 Mass. 520 (1871), authorities cited; Hefner v. Hunt, 129 Me. 10, 112 A. 675, 676 (1921).


We believe that fundamental fairness to the accused requires that he should with reasonable promptness be taken before a magistrate in order to prevent the application of methods approaching what is commonly called the “third degree.” “Fundamental fairness,” prohibits the secret inquisition in order to obtain evidence. State v. Schabert, 15 N.W. 2d 585, 588 (Minn. 1944). Also, Floyd v. Chesapeake & O. R. Co., 164 S.E. 28, 30 (W.Va. 1932); U.S. v. Middleton, 344 Fed.2d 78, 82 (1965).

Other reasons for this rule requiring the arrested accused “be taken before a magistrate as quickly as possible, is to make certain that the person arrested is advised by a Judicial Officer of his Constitutional Rights. Greenwell v. United States, 336 Fed.2d 962, 966, 119 U.S.App.D.C. 43 (1964).

But having arrested him, it was their [the officers’] duty to take him before a magistrate, who could determine whether or not there was ground to hold him. It was not for the arresting officers to settle that question (authorities cited). *** The


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arresting officer is in no sense his guardian, and can justify the arrest only by bringing the prisoner before the proper court, that either the prisoner may be liberated or that further proceedings must be instituted against him. Keefe v. Hart, 213 Mass. 476, 100 N.E. 558, 559 (1913).

(Supreme Court of Indiana) [T]he power of detaining a person arrested, or restraining him of his liberty, is not a matter within the discretion of the officer making the arrest. Harness v. Steele, 64 N.E. 875, 878 (1902). Also, Stromberg v. Hansen, 177 Minn. 307, 225 N.W. 148, 149 (1929).

(Supreme Court of Idaho) The rule seems to be that an officer arresting a person on criminal process who omits to perform a duty required by law, such as taking the prisoner before a court, becomes liable for false imprisonment. Madsen v. Hutchison, Sheriff, et al., 49 Idaho 358, 290 Pac. 208, 209 (1930), numerous cases cited.

We have no doubt that the exercise of the power of detention does not rest wholly with the officer making the arrest, and that he should, within a reasonable time, take the prisoner before a circuit, criminal, or other judicial court. *** In a case where the arrest is make under a warrant, the officer must take the prisoner, without any unnecessary delay, before the magistrate issuing it, in order that the party may have a speedy examination, if he desires it; and in the case of an arrest without warrant the duty is equally plain, and for the same reason, to take the arrested party before some officer who can take such proof as may be afforded. Simmons v. Vandyke,138 Ind. 380, 37 N.E. 973, 974 (1894); citing: Ex Parte Cuberth, 49 Cal. 436 (1875); Pratt v. Hill, 16 Barb. (N.Y.) 303, 307 (1853); et al.

Executive officers or clerk are not to determine if a person arrested is to be held or released upon bail, since the power to do so is judicial. Bryant v. City of Bisbee, 28 Ariz. 278, 237 Pac. 380, 381 (1925); State v. Miller, 31 Tex. 564, 565 (1869).

(Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia) But the actions of the arresting officer and the jailer in denying the defendant this opportunity [to judicial review] by confining him in jail because they concluded that he was not in such condition to be admitted to bail, had the effect of substitution their discretion in the matter for that of the judicial officer. Under the circ*mstances here, the defendant was clearly entitled to the benefit of a judicial opinion and judgment upon the question of his eligibility for bail. This right was arbitrarily denied him. Winston v. Commonwealth, 188 Va. 386, 49 S.E. 2d 611, 615 (1948).

Executive officers cannot hold a person in order to complete paperwork or make out reports. Thus where a man was arrested without warrant and confined in the county jail without a commitment, the sheriff could not justify the confinement of the man by awaiting the pleasure of a deputy, or anyone else, to file a complaint. Bowles v.Creason, et al., 156 Ore. 278, 66 Pac.(2d) 1183, 1188 (1937).

If the plaintiff was being detained for the purpose of arrest, it was the duty of the arresting officer to take him before an examining magistrate as soon as the nature of the circ*mstances reasonably permit. The power to arrest does not confer upon the arresting officer the power to detain a prisoner for other purposes. Geldon v. Finnegan et al., 213 Wis. 539, 252 N.W. 369, 372 (1934).


As was revealed in the case of Harness v. Steele, 64 N.E. 875, 878 (1902), where the sheriff placed the prisoner arrested in jail for an hour and then released him without bringing him before a Justice of the Peace, he was thus guilty of FALSE IMPRISONMENT.

(Supreme Court of Illinois) When officers assume the power to imprison without authority of law, or without any forms or processes usual and necessary to be employed, they become liable for False Imprisonment. The LIBERTY of the citizen cannot be so far trifled with, that any constable in the land may of his own volition, commit and hold him in custody until it suits his convenience or pleasure to release him. People v. McGurn, 341 Ill. 632, 173 N.E. 754, 757 (1930).

(Supreme Court of North Carolina) Men may not be arrested, imprisoned and released upon judgment or at the discretion of a constable or anyone else. If the alleged offense be criminal in its character *** the officer may arrest and take the


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offender before a magistrate for trial. *** The constable arrested and imprisoned him, not for safe keeping until he could tried before a competent tribunal, but he imprisoned him until he became sober, according to his judgment, and then released him. The constable thus constituted himself the judge, jury and executioner. This is the best description of despotism. State v. Parker, 75 N.C. 249, 250 (1876).

The duty of one making the arrest to bring the prisoner before a proper magistrate that proceedings for a trial of the prisoner may be instituted and that he may have an opportunity to give bail or otherwise procure his release, is even more imperative than if a warrant had been issued before arrest; and if the prisoner is released without being brought before a magistrate, the officer or private person who made the arrest becomes a trespasser ab initio. 11 Ruling Case Law, “False Imprisonment,” sect. 15, 801-02. See also, Williams v. Zelzah Wharehouse, 127 Cal. App. 28, 14 Pac.(2d) 177, 178 (1932).

Arresting a person is a step in prosecution, if he Is released not according to law it is an “escape.” Such an escape is a departure of a prisoner from custody before he is discharged by due process of law. Hefner v. Hunt, 129 Me. 10, 112 A. 675, 676 (1921).

If a person is arrested pursuant to a warrant, he “must be taken before a magistrate before he can be released.” (1 Wharton Crim. Proc., 195).

In an able opinion (Ex Parte Harvel, 267 F. 997, 1003) Judge Conner said: “The imprisonment in jail of a citizen without warrant, without opportunity for a hearing or to give bail, is a serious matter. *** The duty in every case is imperative upon the officer ‘to forthwith carry the person arrested before the nearest judicial officer having jurisdiction to hear and determine the legality of such arrest.’ Ex Parte Van Hoven, Fed. Cas. No. 16858. *** In 25 C.J. 491 and 493 the general rule is stated as follows: “One making an arrest may be liable in an action for false imprisonment where he fails to take the person arrested before the officer designated in the warrant, or, if the arrest is made without warrant, to the nearest committing magistrate.” Moran v. City of Beckley, 67 Fed.2d 161, 164 (1933). See also, United States v. Janus, 30 F.(2d) 530 (1929).

Where a person is unlawfully detained, “he has a right of action irrespective of his release.” Stromberg v. Hansen, 177 Minn. 307, 225 N.W. 148, 149 (1929).


Just as “good faith does not excuse an unauthorized arrest,” likewise, it does not “justify an unreasonable detention and deprivation of one’s liberty” cause by a failure or delay in bringing one arrested “before a magistrate.” Oxford v. Berry, 204 MIch. 197, 170 N.W. 83, 88 (1918).

Orders from a superior DO NOT EXCUSE an arresting party from his duty [to bring the prisoner before a judge], nor does delivery of the prisoner into the custody of another person; all those who take part in detaining a person an unreasonable length of time are LIABLE. Moran v. City of Beckley, 67 Fed.2d 161, 164 (1933).

(Supreme Court of Ohio) The delivery of the plaintiff, after his arrest, into the custody of another person, to be by him to be taken to prison, could not, we think, absolve the arresting officers from the duty required of them to obtain the writ necessary to legalize his further imprisonment. *** If the arresting officers choose to rely on some other person to perform that required duty, they take upon themselves the risk of its being performed; and unless it is done, in proper time, their liability to the person imprisoned is in no wise lessened or affected. Leger v. Warren, 62 Ohio St. 500, 57 N.E. 506, 508 (1900).

In Virginia it is said that in determining whether an arrested person has been brought before a magistrate “with all practicable speed,” or without unnecessary delay, depends upon the circ*mstances of the particular case. “Ordinarily, this is a question for the jury unless the facts are disputed.” Mullins v. Sanders, 189 Va. 624, 54 S.E. 2d 116, 120 (1949), 54 S.E.2d 116, 120 (1949); Brown v. Meier & Frank Co.,86 P.2d 79, 83 (Ore. 1939).


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[I]t is the duty of the officer making the arrest to convey the prisoner immediately before the nearest magistrate. Green v. Kennedy, 48 N.Y. Rep. 653, 654 (1871).

(Supreme Court of Texas) The accused has the right to be presented without delay, but the question of what is delay is determined by all the facts and circ*mstances. Necessarily some time must elapse between the arrest and the presentment before the magistrate. Hicks v. Matthews, 266 S.W.2d 846, 849 (Tex. 1954).



NO FREE MAN shall be taken, or imprisoned, or disposed *** except by the legal judgment of his peers or the law of the land. Magna Carta.

(The word “TAKEN” has sometimes been translated as “Seized” and “Arrested.” The phrase “law of the land” means the same as “due process of law,” and refers to the law already established in the land.) Thus no one could be arrested except by the established common law that prevailed in the land. It does not mean some new law the legislature might devise. Life Liberty and Property, Charles A. Weisman.

Arrest without warrant, where a warrant is required, is not due process of law; and arbitrary or despotic power NO MAN possesses under our system of government. Muscoe v. Commonwealth, 86 Va. 443, 10 S.E. 534 (1890).

The Fourth Amendment, which guarantees “the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,” generally does not apply to arrest made without warrants, but only those made with warrants. 1 Am. Law Rep., Annotation, 586; 5 Amer. Juris. 2d “Arrests,” sect. 2, 697.

(Supreme Court of Illinois) But this [section] has application only to warrants. It does not abridge the right to arrest without warrant in cases where such arrests can be lawfully make at common law before the adoption of the present constitution. North v. People, 139 Ill. 81, 28 N.E. 966, 972 (1891); See also, Burroughs v. Eastman, 101 Mich. 419, 59 N.W. 817.

Damages awarded; TREZEVANT V. CITY OF TAMPA, 241 F2D.336 (11TH CIR. 1984)- Motorist illegally held for 23 minutes in a traffic charge was awarded $25,000.00 dollars in damages. The above case sets the foundation of $75,000.00 per hour or $180,000.00 dollars per day for false arrest/false imprisonment. This declaration which is being claimed upon demand of a Driver’s License, registration, or other papers, is a part of the official record of any ensuing action and must be introduced as evidence in said action. Note that any willful suppression of evidence is a felony. Any cause for action will result under title 42, Section 1983 U.S.C., Title 18 section 241, which describes a fine & 10 years in prison or both.

“Qualified immunity defense FAILS if public officer violates clearly established right because a reasonably competent official should know the law governing his conduct” Jones vs. Counce 7-F3d-1359-8th Cir 1993; Benitez v Wolff 985-F3d 662 2nd Cir 1993


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